
How to Optimize Videos for Web

Loom recording: https://www.loom.com/share/5d37c2d70e6a496b9f9fba826d2e0d6a


If you have a large video file, you will want to optimize it for web by reducing the file size & output.

The goal is for the file size to be UNDER 25MB in order to be effectively used on the web.

  1. Download and open up Handbrake (https://handbrake.fr/)
  2. Open your source video file
  3. Click on the Preset dropdown menu and choose Web > Vimeo YouTube 720p30
  4. At the bottom of the window, give the optimized file a name and choose where you want to save it
  5. Click the green Start button and wait for the optimization to finish.
  6. Check your newly optimized video file and confirm if it is 25MB or under

If further optimization is needed, then go back to Handbrake and click on the Video tab. From there, drag the Constant quality slider a few notches to the left and re-run the optimization.